Welcome Message

Welcome to the ICIEM 2025 in Kyoto.

On behalf of the International Organizing Committee (IOC), the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and the Japanese Society of Inherited Metabolic Disorders (JSIMD), I am pleased to host the 15th International Congress of Inborn Errors of Metabolism (ICIEM2025) with the theme "Capital of tradition witnesses cutting-edge transformation". The congress will be held from September 2nd to 6th, 2025 at the Kyoto International Conference Center.

JSIMD hosted the 4th ICIEM in 1984 in Sendai and the 10th ICIEM in 2006 in Makuhari. In the past 20 years, the field of inborn errors of metabolism has made further advances. Recent research has revealed the disease mechanisms, new diagnostic tools and various treatment options including enzyme replacement therapy, cell transplantation, and gene therapy for inborn errors of metabolism. This conference offers attractive keynote lectures, plenary lectures and symposiums. Outside of academic conferences, I would like to encourage you to experience Japanese traditional culture, such as visiting temples and shrines and social gatherings. In addition, I hope that you will reunite with old friends and colleagues at the conference and share your knowledge and experiences. I sincerely welcome you and hope you enjoy the experience.

See you in Kyoto!

NAKAMURA Kimitoshi
Department of Pediatrics,
Faculty of Life Sciences,
Kumamoto University