Thank you for your contribution!
Dear colleagues, friends and all who visited the website of UCARE2021 in Hiroshima, "A new era for urticaria - Advances in its classification and breakthroughs in its treatment".
I am pleased to tell you that the conference was completed as scheduled from 9 to 11 December 2021 in a hybrid format based in Hiroshima being connected to as many as 520 attendees in 45 countries.
On the first day, we overviewed the progress of urticaria research and treatments in the last four decades, followed by reports from ongoing 9 projects and 25 new centers of UCARE accredited in the last two years.
The second day program was rich, containing 4 sessions about the pathogenesis and treatments of urticaria, angioedema, and pediatric urticaria, as well as oral and poster presentations, a sponsored luncheon seminar, and streamlined sponsored symposia.
On the last day, in addition to lectures about urticaria related syndromes and another sponsored luncheon seminar, interesting case studies of urticaria, and workshops of patient-reported outcomes and diagnostic procedures were undertaken.
Despite large differences in time and distances on the globe, the conference was extremely enthusiastic and interactive throughout the program, making a lot of discussion, awareness, and new relationships between the UCARE members.
I sincerely appreciate all attendees, committee members and coordinating office contributing to this wonderful conference.
I am looking forward to seeing you again in person, and wish you enjoy the holiday season and have a very happy new year.
All the best,
Michihiro Hide, MD, PhD
- 本会は日本皮膚科学会トラベルグラントの対象となります。
- Session7、9日本皮膚科学会の後実績単位と認定されました。(各1単位)
- 2022/2/1
- オンデマンド配信を終了いたしました。多数のご視聴ありがとうございました。
- 2021/9/1
- 演題募集を締切いたしました。多数のご応募ありがとうございました。
- 2021/8/23
- 参加登録を開始いたしました。
- 2021/6/11
- GA2LEN UCARE Conference 2021 Webサイトを公開いたしました。