コンベンション事業部 事業推進部
中西 真 | (東京大学医科学研究所 癌防御シグナル分野) |
学歴: | 昭和60年3月 | 名古屋市立大学医学部卒業 |
平成元年3月 | 名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科修了 医学博士 |
職歴: | 平成元年4月 | 自治医科大学医学部生化学講座助手 |
平成4年4月 | 同講師 この間 平成5年から7年アメリカ、ベイラー医科大学分子ウイルス部門 リサーチアソシエート | |
平成8年4月 | 国立長寿医療研究センター老年病研究部室長 | |
平成10年7月 | 名古屋市立大学医学部助教授 | |
平成12年9月 | 同教授 | |
平成14年4月 | 名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科教授 | |
平成28年4月 | 東京大学医科学研究所癌・細胞増殖部門 癌防御シグナル分野教授 現在に至る |
令和元年4月 | 東京大学医科学研究所 副所長 | |
令和5年4月 | 東京大学医科学研究所 所長 |
賞罰等: | 平成12年度 日本生化学会奨励賞、令和元-5年 文部科学省新学術領域研究“多様かつ堅牢な細胞形質を支える非ゲノム情報複製機構”領域代表、令和3-8年 内閣府 ムーンショットプロジェクト プロジェクトマネージャー、令和4-9年 AMED-CREST代表、令和5年度 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞、令和5年度-現在 内閣府健康・医療戦略参与、令和6年度 持田記念学術賞 |
Filip Muysoms | (Abdominal wall surgeon, AZ Maria Middelares Gent & Sint Vincentius Deinze) |
Name | Filip Muysoms |
Address home | Pontstraat 2,9800 Deinze, Belgium |
Current position | Abdominal wall surgeon AZ Maria Middelares Gent and AZ Sint Vincentius Deinze |
1983-1990 | Medical Doctor, University Ghent, Belgium |
1990-1998 | Surgical training |
1998-1999 | Intensive care specialist training |
2012-2015 | Doctor of Medical Science, PhD (University Ghent) |
Since 1992 | Royal Belgian Society of Surgery (RBSS), current president 2024-2025 |
Since 2004 | European Hernia Society (EHS), past president 2021-2023 |
Since 2005 | Belgian Section for Abdominal Wall Surgery, past president |
First or senior author n=80 / Collaborative author n=60 / Book chapters n=11
Ann Surg. 2016 Apr;263(4):638-45 |
Prevention of Incisional Hernias by Prophylactic Mesh-augmented Reinforcement of Midline Laparotomies for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial | Muysoms FE, Detry O, Vierendeels T, Huyghe M, Miserez M, Ruppert M, et al |
Hernia. 2015 Feb;19(1):1-24 |
European Hernia Society guidelines on the closure of abdominal wall incisions | Muysoms FE, Antoniou SA, Bury K, Campanelli G, Conze J, Cuccurullo D, et al |
Hernia. 2009 Aug;13(4):407-14 |
Classification of primary and incisional abdominal wall hernias. | Muysoms FE, Miserez M, Berrevoet F, Campanelli G, Champault GG, Chelala E, et al |
Invited speaker n=454 / Free papers presentations n=81 / Video and posters n=87
19/03/2022 | Robotic transversus abdominis release. | SAGES Denver, USA |
04/12/2019 | Posterior component separation | European Colorectal Congress 2019 Sankt Gallen, Switzerland |
17/02/2018 | Robotic single-dock retro-rectus repair. | 9th Annual AWR Summit Big Sky, USA |
23/03/2017 | Prophylactic Mesh Augmentation of Midline Laparotomy | SAGES, Houston, USA |
17/10/2016 | Mesh prophylaxis, why the resistance to adoption? | 9th American College of Surgeons, Washington, USA |
proctoring on site n=163 days / proctored hospitals n=88 in 16 countries
Sarfaraz J Baig | (Director, Digestive Surgery Clinic, Belle Vue, Kolkata, India) |
Dr. Sarfaraz Jalil Baig , MS, FRCS FMBS FIAGES FALS is the Director of Digestive Surgery Clinic based out of Belle Vue Hospital and CMRI Hospital, Kolkata, India with more than 24 years of experience.
He specialises in laparoscopic, bariatrics, hernia, AWR, hiatal, biliary and colorectal surgery.
He has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles in various national and international journals.
He is the Editor of books - “Newer Concepts and Procedures in Hernia Surgery - an Atlas” and “Management of Nutritional and Metabolic Complications of Bariatric surgery” by Springer. He has authored a book on 'Nutrition, Obesity and Bariatric Surgery and co-authored a number of monographs on “Diseases of Common Bile Duct” and “Liver Surgery”. He has authored chapters in books of international repute such as Essentials of Mini-One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass by Springer.
He is the Secretary of HSI (Hernia Society of India), Vice President of IAGES (Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endosurgeons), ex EC member of IASG (Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology), and Chairman of OSSI IH (Obesity Surgeons Society in India-Integrated Health).
Following his passion for teaching and training, he has been responsible for organizing a number of national level conferences and workshops. He runs training courses on MAS, bariatric and hernia at his center and has trained more than 200 surgeons from across the globe. He is one of the pioneers of AWR and bariatric surgery in India.
Her runs the IFSO endorsed Certification Course on Integrated care of Obesity (CICO) to train physicians, surgeons, nutritionists, psychologists and physical trainers with cross specialty knowledge
He spearheaded the first multicenter data collaboration in India on bariatric surgery and also the first publication on trends in ventral hernia procedures in India
He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Bariatric Surgery and is on the editorial board of Journal of Minimal Access of Surgery.
Hyung Jin Kim | (Professor, Department of Surgery, Eunpyeong St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea) |
Sanghee Kang | (Professor, Department of Surgery, Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Korea University College of Medicine) |
Bong-Hyeon Kye | (Division of Colorectal surgery, Department of Surgery, St. Vincent’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, Suwon, Korea) |
Tae Kyung Ha | (Department of Surgery, Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea) |
Kyosuke Miyazaki | (Miyazaki Surgery & Hernia Clinic) |
Yuji Konishi | (Department of Surgery and Gastroenterological Surgery, National Hospital Organization Hokkaido Medical Center, Hokkaido, Japan) |
Nobuhiko Okamoto | (Department of Surgery, Ageo Central General Hospital) |
Kiyotaka Imamura | (Hernia Consultant, Minimally Invasive Surgery Center, Yotsuya Medical Cube, Tokyo) |