Gathering knowledge for the benefit of society: Shaping the world ahead Gathering knowledge for the benefit of society: Shaping the world ahead Date: July 11 (Thu) – 13 (Sat), 2024/Hybrid Format(On-site and Online)/Venue: Sendai International Center・Tohoku University Centennial Hall/President: Takanori Ishida, M.D., Ph.D.(Department of Breast and Endocrine Surgical Oncology, Tohoku University School of Medicine)

Social Gathering Party on 12th July.

*Free access for all participants.

*Be advised to wear the adjustable clothing, since this will be held outdoors.

Venue:  Sendai Ryokusaikan Visitor Center, Aobayama Park (1 min walk distance from the congress venue)
URL: (Japanese site only)

Date and Time:  12th July. 19:00-21:00

Any updated information will be posted on this page.