Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadline

12:00p.m., Wednesday, August 31, 2022 (Japan Standard Time, UTC+9)
Extended to 12:00p.m., Monday, September 12, 2022 (Japan Standard Time, UTC+9)
23:59 p.m., Wednesday, September 21, 2022 (Japan Standard Time, UTC+9)
23:59 p.m., Monday, September 26, 2022 (Japan Standard Time, UTC+9)
Call for Abstracts is now closed.


In principle, the first author must be a member of the Japanese Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (JSTCT) at the time of abstract submission. However, this excludes residents and undergraduate students (who must submit a separate certificate), and those who belong to institutions or organizations outside Japan.

To submit an abstract, the following criteria must be met:
The content of the submitted abstract must fit into one of the JSTCT2023 Abstract Review Categories.
Abstracts with the same content as a paper already submitted to a journal will be accepted for submission if it has not yet been published.
Abstracts presented at other conferences will be accepted if the language of the abstract and presentation is different (e.g., English ⇆ Japanese).
However, abstract with the same contents as a presentation at other conferences will not be accepted.

Any of the following criteria will make an abstract ineligible for presentation:
The same content has already been published in an academic journal at the time of abstract submission.
The same content has already been presented in other academic meetings at the time of abstract submission.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

All abstracts must be submitted through the abstract submission system.
Abstract(s) sent by e-mail or fax will not be processed by the Secretariat and will not be forwarded to the conference committee for review.
You can connect the abstract submission system from the "ABSTRACT SUBMISSION" button below.
You can save and re-edit your abstracts online until you decide to submit them via the abstract submission system.
When submitting the finalized version of your abstract, please complete all required fields in the abstract submission system.
All abstracts submitted will be automatically edited according to the submission format. It is the author or authors’ responsibility to review and correct the submissions. Submitters are responsible for any typing error on the abstract.
Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
*Fill in all fields marked with (*) on the abstract submission form.

Application for General Presentation (Paper/Poster)

1. Select the Desired Style of Your Presentation

Submitted abstracts will be chosen for Oral presentation or Poster presentation depending on the results of peer review.

PC presentation only (film slides or videotapes are not allowed)
Discussion in the Poster

2. Select an Appropriate Category from The Following List

Main Category Sub Category
01. Stem Cell Biology  
02. Histocompatibility Antigen  
03. Stem Cell Mobilization and Harvest  
04. Stem Cell Source  
05. Conditioning Regimens  
06. Supportive Care  
07. Transplant Immunity 07-1. Immune Reconstitution
07-2. Acute GVHD
07-3. Chronic GVHD
07-4. GVL
07-5. Others
08. Immunotherapy / Cell therapy / Gene therapy 08-1. Preclinical
08-2. Clinical
09. Child-specific Transplant Disease
(Inborn errors of metabolism, Congenital immune deficiency and others)
10. Transplant Outcomes 10-1. Acute Leukemia
10-2. Myelodysplastic Syndrome / Myeloproliferative Tumor
10-3. Malignant Lymphoma/ATL
10-4. Multiple Myeloma/Plasma Cell Disorders
10-5. Aplastic Anemia
10-6. Others
11. Minimal Residual Disease and Relapse  
12. Early Complications 12-1. Engraftment Failure
12-2. TMA
12-3. VOD/SOS
12-4. Others
13. Late Complications  
14. Infection 14-1. Bacterial Infection
14-2. Fungal Infection
14-3. Viral Infection
14-4. Others
15. Follow-up and QOL  
16. Marrow Donor Program / Cord Blood Bank / Donors  
17. Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Coordinator and Coordinate  
18. Care 18-1. Oral Care
18-2. Skin Care
18-3. GVHD Care
18-4. Mental Care
18-5. Others
19. Management 19-1. Infection Control
19-2. Meal Management
19-3. Nutrition Management
19-4. Others
20. Rehabilitation  
21. Nursing / Education  
22. TDM / Drugs  
23. Team Medical-care  
24. AI-based analysis  

3. Requirements

Language: English
First author and co-author: maximum 30 persons (including the first author)
First author and co-authors institution: maximum 30 institutions
Volume (title): 100 characters or less including spaces and punctuations
Volume (abstract body):
1,800 characters or less including spaces and punctuations without any image (picture, chart or diagram).
900 characters or less including spaces and punctuations with an image (picture, chart or diagram) in your abstract.
The abstract should be arranged under the following headings: Objective, Subjects and Methods, Results, Conclusions. For case reports and invention or improvement of techniques and devices, the headings should be appropriately changed (for example, for case reports, Introduction, Cases, Discussion and if relevant, Conclusions).

Ethical Considerations

  1. On abstract submission form, please select whether you have obtained an approval of the ethics committee, e.g. IRB, or if it is not necessary. This does not need to be stated in the abstract text.
  2. In the case that a presentation theme relates to "Ethical guidelines for Clinical Research", the approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or the Ethical Review Board (ERB) is required. Please refer to the guideline of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology website.

Conflict of Interest

  1. When you submit an abstract, please report whether there are potential conflicts of interest with companies concerned with the content of your presentation within the last three years.
  2. The authors (include co-authors) are required to disclose applicable COI by displaying a COI disclosure slide at the beginning of presentation slides (the slide after the title of presentation and the name of presenters) or at the end of a poster using samples as below.

Submission Policy

You can check and modify your abstract as many times as you like until the deadline for abstract submission. Abstracts generally may not be revised or withdrawn after the deadline for abstract submission. However, abstracts may be withdrawn within 14 days of notification of acceptance or rejection, presentation type and the presentation language.

Notification of Abstract Acceptance/Rejection and Presentation Date

Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts and the date and time of presentation will be sent by e-mail around the end of November. The results will also be posted on this website.

Personal Information Protection

"Names" and "contact addresses" provided to us at registration for the meeting shall be used for the purpose of contact from the secretariat, notification of acceptance or rejection, and any information related to the presentation. In addition, the "presenters' names," "affiliation names," "title" and "abstract text" shall be used for publication in the program/abstract book and on the website, but not for other purposes. The registration process for applications has been commissioned to the Conference Secretariat c/o Japan Convention Services, Inc. in order to facilitate management operations

Notification of Application

You can access the abstract submission website via Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Safari (later than ver.2.0.3(417.9.2)) only.
For the security reason, application sessions are set to expire after 120 minutes.