Travel GrantTravel Grant

Travel Grant

To expand the discussion internationally, many sessions will be conducted in English in 67JDS. Participants from all over the world are welcome, and to encourage the young scientists to travel all the way to Tokyo, 67JDS offers a limited number of Travel Grants to the young scientists (Student and Postdoc/Fellow) who are presenting authors of an accepted abstract.

Award: $2,000
Congress Registration Fee: waived


  1. Ages 40 and under at the time of abstract submission
  2. Currently working or training outside of Japan
  3. Not a Japanese national
  4. Submitting an abstract to 67JDS as the presenting author during the abstract submission period and accepted
  5. Presenting the abstract at 67JDS on-site


  1. Submit the abstract to 67JDS from Call for Abstracts
  2. Apply from the application form below.
Travel Grant Application Form


Abstract and presentation materials should be all in English.
Applicants should handle their own visa application on their own responsibility if they need it to enter Japan.

*Application Deadline: November 30, 2023