JSNM-JSNMT2020 is held in a hybrid mode, i.e. on-site and through WEB.
The registration fee is no different between on-site participants and WEB participants, or both.
The pre-registration fee is 16,000 yen for JSNM/JSNMT members and 20,000 yen for non-members. The late and on-site registration fee is 18,000 yen and 22,000yen, for members and non-members, respectively.
The preregistration fee is applicable until September 30, 2020.
Discount registration is available for residents, students, nurses, and foreign members.
For details of registration, please look at the Japanese page at https://site2.convention.co.jp/jsnm-jsnmt2020/jizen/, or send an email to Congress Secretariat (jsnm-jsnmt2020[A]reg-convention[D]com ( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . )) if you have difficulty in reading Japanese.