Congress Greeting
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is my honor to host the ACRLS 2022 held between December 8 and 10 in 2022 at the Portmesse Nagoya (Nagoya International Exhibition Hall), Aichi, Japan. The aim of this congress is to provide a comprehensive perspective of minimally invasive surgery, including robotic and laparoscopic surgery in all surgical fields. Although all of our members are experiencing a tough time in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe that human wisdom will overcome this soon. I am looking forward to seeing you all in Nagoya and taking a new step forward into a new era of minimally invasive surgery.
In many surgical fields, minimally invasive surgery has overcome open surgery owing to magnified visualization and precise operability. Furthermore, emerging novel surgical procedures that can be offered only by minimally invasive surgery are expected to provide more favorable outcomes. In particular, the major issues of robotic surgery, i.e., prolonged operative time and high cost, are likely to be resolved soon, and one of its most promising features, “remote operability”, will be thrown into the limelight and realized.
I am planning many new and innovative projects, especially focusing on live demonstrations including remote operations using cadavers and animals.
All participants are invited to share images of futuristic minimally invasive surgery. Again, I am looking forward to seeing all of you, engaging in fruitful discussions, and enjoying the profound culture of Nagoya.
このたびアジアロボット・内視鏡外科学会(ACRLS 2022)を2022年12月8日(木)〜10日(土)の期間にポートメッセ名古屋において開催することになりました藤田医科大学病院 国際医療センターの杉岡 篤です。急速に進歩する低侵襲手術の全領域を網羅する本学会を主催できることは大変光栄に存じます。COVID-19のパンデミックが猛威を振るう中、会員の皆様におかれましては大変ご苦労されていることと思いますが、この災厄も人類の叡智で早晩克服され、予定通り名古屋でお目にかかれると確信しております。本学会が外科学の新たな発展の第一歩となることを願ってやみません。

- Chung-Ngai Tang
- President of The Asia-Pacific Association of Robotic Surgeons

- Atsushi Sugioka, M.D.,Ph.D.
- Congress Chairman of ACRLS 2022
Department of International Medical Center, Fujita Health University Hospital - 杉岡 篤
- 藤田医科大学 国際医療センター