Call for Papers
Submission Period
Abstract Submission was closed.
Guidelines for Submission
Type of Presentations
- Oral
- Poster
- Oral or Poster
- Oral and Poster
* The acceptance / rejection and presentation format will be decided by the program committee.
Qualification for Applicants
The speaker should pay registration fee for JSTH.
Abstract Category
The submitter is required to select the most appropriate category from the following list for the abstract in the submission.
Main classification
- Coagulation and bleeding disorders
- Thrombotic disorders
- fibrinolysis
- platelet/VWF
- Vasculature/Immunology/Others
Sub classification
- basic research
- pathological analysis
- diagnosis/methods
- treatment/prevention
- others
Instruction for Abstracts Submission
- Registration is only from E-mail.
- If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail within one day after submitting the abstract, which could be the possibility of submitted improperly, please contact the Secretariat by e-mail (43jsth[A]convention[D]co[D]jp( Please chainge [A] to @ [D] to . )). Secretariat is not responsible for the incident when you leave the case without receiving the confirmation e-mail.
- Secretariat is not responsible for the corrections of the information submitted by applicants. Please confirm your application before submitting. Furthermore, secretariat is not responsible when applicants have imperfect submission due to their Internet environment or technical problems.
Abstract Format
- basic research
- pathological analysis
- diagnosis/methods
- treatment/prevention
- others
Instruction for Abstracts Submission
- Registration is only from E-mail.
- If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail within one day after submitting the abstract, which could be the possibility of submitted improperly, please contact the Secretariat by e-mail (43jsth[A]convention[D]co[D]jp( Please chainge [A] to @ [D] to . )). Secretariat is not responsible for the incident when you leave the case without receiving the confirmation e-mail.
- Secretariat is not responsible for the corrections of the information submitted by applicants. Please confirm your application before submitting. Furthermore, secretariat is not responsible when applicants have imperfect submission due to their Internet environment or technical problems.
Abstract Format
Abstract Title - Abstract title should be max. 90 characters.
The total length of the abstract should be max. 1470 characters
The Program committee has the final decisions of acceptance/rejection of the applied papers and presentation preference.
Congress Secretariat of The 43rd Congress of the Japanese Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis
c/o Japan Convention Services, Inc.
Tel: +81-92-712-6201 Fax: +81-92-712-6262
E-mail: 43jsth[A]convention[D]co[D]jp( Please chainge [A] to @ [D] to . )