Abstract Submission
Free registration
For the presenting author of the abstract accepted for the English Session, Organizing Committee is pleased to offer free registration to the Meeting.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline: March 19 (Wed), 2025 at Noon
Notification of acceptance/rejection: in the middle of June, 2025
Presentation topics
Authors will be asked to select one topic from the followings. Each presentation should cover outcome of the author’s original research.
- Allergen sensitization and immunotherapy
- Pathophysiology of allergy and allergic disorders
- Clinical problems in allergic disorders
- Asthma and related diseases
- Food allergy
Presentation formats
- Accepted abstracts will be presented in Oral Sessions or Poster Sessions.
- Format of presentation (oral/ poster) will be decided by Organizing Committee after careful peer review.
- All presentations must be in English.
Please submit the following two items
- 1) Abstract and 2) COI - via email at endai-jsa74[A]convention[D]co[D]jp( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . ) by March 19 (Wed), 2025 at noon. You must read the Guidelines as below before submission.
※日本語のご案内で演題投稿が可能な方は、English SessionにつきましてもUMINシステムにてご応募ください。
Guidelines for Abstract Submission <English Session>
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- Abstract lengths are as below;
- Abstract title: maximum of 25 words
- Abstract text: maximum of 250 words - No encore abstracts are accepted.
Abstract title
All abstract titles must be sentence case, without either period at the end or underlining.
- ○
- Treatment of food allergy in Japan
- ×
Abstract text
Abstracts should be organized containing Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
- A)
- Background:
A statement of purpose of the study (preferably one sentence). - B)
- Methods:
A brief statement of the methods used. For abstracts reporting clinical research, a sentence or phrase presenting the most important selection criteria for subjects should be included. - C)
- Results:
A summary of the results, presented in sufficient detail with statistical analysis to support the conclusions. - D)
- Conclusion:
A statement of the conclusions reached. It is not satisfactory to state, “the results will be discussed,” or “other data will be presented,” etc. - E)
- Others:
Tables, graphs and references should not be included in the abstract.
Please note!
Abstracts must be proofread carefully to avoid errors before submission.
Affiliations should be indicated in the following manner.
- Department of Pediatrics, AAA University
- Department of Dermatology, BBB Hospital
- R & D Department, CCC Corporation
If a style of your abstract is unable to fit into the Guidelines, Organizing Committee will revise to meet the style of the Japanese Journal of Allergology.
Other Information
Authors are required to submit the COI disclosure statement together with abstracts.
The details of COI declaration in the presentation slides
Notification of acceptance
Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to you via email by in the middle of June, 2025. All correspondence including acceptance/rejection of abstracts, presentation format, date and time of presentation will be informed via email to the email address provided in the abstract submission form.
Abstract withdrawal
Please notify Secretariat via email at endai-jsa74[A]convention[D]co[D]jp( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . ) by July 31 (Thu), 2025 stating the title and number of the abstract to be withdrawn.
Publication of abstracts
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Japanese Journal of Allergology.
Attendance of presenters
All accepted abstracts that are not withdrawn before July 31 (Thu), 2025 must be presented by the author or their designee. No-shows may jeopardize submission of future abstracts by the same individuals or institutions.
Format of the meeting
Speakers are required to make a presentation on site.
Contact information
For further information, please contact Secretariat at endai-jsa74[A]convention[D]co[D]jp( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . ).
Secretariat of the 74th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Allergology
c/o Japan Convention Services Inc.