The 84th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiological Society Date:April 10 (Thu.) – 13 (Sun.), 2025 Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama, Japan President:Kei Takase (Tohoku University)

Call for papers

Abstract Submission

To be announced

Presentation Format

The presentation format may be subject to change depending on the status of new coronavirus infection and the content of the presentation. The final format of the presentation will be left to the discretion of the congress president.

  1. Scientific paper(both oral and electronic presentation required)
    • The duration of presentation will be 7 minutes talk and 3 minutes discussion.
    • Electronic posters (CyPos) and presentation slides must be written in English.
    • Please prepare and register for electronic posters and presentation slides both within 31 pages during the submission period. The submission period will be announced on the website.
    • Bringing your own PC to project the slides will not be accepted in the Oral presentations.
  2. Educational exhibit (electronic presentation only)
    • Electronic poster display only, no oral presentations will be made.
    • Must be educational contents, such as a Pictorial essay.
    • Electronic posters should be no more than 41 slides. However, please make sure that.
    • your slides can be viewed within approximately 10 minutes. Please register your slides during the submission period. The submission period will be announced on the website.

Guideline for Abstract Submission

  • Abstracts should be written in English.
  • All abstracts must be submitted online via this official congress website. Please click on the “New Submission” button above to access the abstract submission form. (Abstract sent by Fax or e-mail will not be accepted.)
  • The first author must be corresponding author. Maximum 9 co-author’s names can be included, and will appear on the printed materials in the submitted order.
  • You must select two categories from the category list shown below.
  • Abstracts should be limited to 250 words, and the title limited to 20 words.
  • Abstracts should be limited to 250 words, and the title limited to 20 words.
  • Once you register your abstract, an abstract registration number will be issued automatically. Using your ID and password, you can revise your abstract as many times as you want within the acceptance period. Please make sure to manage your ID and password by yourself. If your ID and/or password are lost, please go to the personal information registration page to reissue them.
  • Confirmation of your abstract submission will be sent to your registered e-mail address after submission completion. If you do not receive the confirmation, it indicates that your submission was incomplete and you need to contact the Abstract Desk at jrc [A] asahi [D]email [D]ne [D]jp( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . )
  • It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to review his/her own submitted abstract and correct it if necessary by the abstract submission deadline. The corresponding author is responsible for any typing errors in the abstract.
  • Modifications / cancellation can be made up until the abstract submission deadline, Oct. 17, 2024 (JST). A modification and cancellation shall not be allowed under any circumstances after the abstract submission deadline.


Category 1

Neuroradiology 101 201 301
Head and Neck (incl. thyroid/parathyroid) 102 202 302
Chest (incl. mediastinum/pulmonary blood vessels) 103 203 303
Cardiovascular 104 204 304
Hepatobiliary and Pancreas 105 205 305
Gastrointestinal 106 206 306
Uroradiology (incl. retroperitoneum) 107 207 307
Obstetrics/Gynecology 108 208 308
Breast imaging 109 209 309
Musculoskeletal (incl. spine) 110 210 310
Pediatric radiology 111 211 311
Whole Body (incl. lymphoma/
hematopoietic disorder)
112 212 312
Emergency radiology 113 213 313
Miscellaneous 114 214 314
Head and Neck/Neuroradiology 401 Non-vascular Bioopsy/drainage 408
Chest 402 Non-vascular Ablation 409
TACE (Liver) 403 Non-vascular Other 410
TACE (except liver) 404 IVR Image-guidance techniques 411
PTA 405 experiments 412
Aneursym/stent 406 Miscellaneous 413
Shunt, Vein, lymphatics 407
Basic Science/Other
Autopsy Imaging 501 Education 505
Informatics (IT·PACS) 502 Radiation safety 506
Artificial Intelligence/
Machine Learning
503 Miscellaneous 507
Techniques 504

Category 2

Diagnostic radiology
DConventional radiography
FContrast media
Nuclear Medicine
Iradionuclide therapy
MImaging technique/ Image processing
Radiation Oncology
ORadiation therapy (General)
PExternal beam radiation therapy
Q3-D conformal external beam Radiotherapy
Sion beam radiotherapy
Tradiation sensitivity
WCT guided intervention
Xultrasound guided intervention
Basic Science/Other

Conflicts of Interest

The guidelines and bylaws for managing Conflicts of Interest in clinical research by the Japan Radiological Society were revised on April 12, 2024. The main changes regarding Conflicts of Interest declarations when presenting at academic conferences are as follows.

Eligible Persons

Before Revision: The lead presenter and relevant responsible clinical research presenters

After Revision: All presenters

Target Period

Before Revision: The previous year or in the academic year

After Revision: The past 3 years

Target activities

Please check the abstract submission form for details.

ID and Password

  • After registering your abstract, you will receive a confirmation by e-mail with your login ID and password codes.
  • We cannot inform you of your password and ID for security reasons.
  • If you wish to make any corrections to your abstract already submitted or wish to delete it, click “Edit Submission” button and use your ID and password to access to your abstract submission page.

Notification of Acceptance

Notification of Acceptance will be sent to the first author in late December, 2024.


  • The first author must present his/her presentation.
  • The first author must complete a pre-registration when the secretariat will e-mail you to ask you to do so, after the system will be completed. If you do not complete the pre-registration by the deadline, your acceptance will be canceled and your abstract will not be printed.

Abstract Submission

  • New Submission
  • Edit Submission

If you haven't received a confirmation email within 24h, please first check your Spam/Bulk/Junk folder. If you find an email in the “Spam” folder, please remember to mark it as “Not Spam” so that it will be delivered to your main inbox next time.
In case you haven’t received an email from the UMIN system, you are requested to log on to the confirmation/revision page to confirm your abstract submission.

JRS fellowship

JRS will offer a fellowship to radiologists who do not reside in Japan.
Selection will be based on the academic merit of your submissions.
The JRS fellowship provides ¥100,000 (Japanese Yen) to cover a part of travel expenses for attending the 84th Annual Meeting of JRS. It will be awarded during the meeting.

Application must

  • Be under 40 years of age.
  • Submit curriculum vitae and a letter from the head of your department confirming your status.
  • Notify your abstract submission number and registration number.
  • Complete your registration. The payment of fellowship may be done by cash or bank transfer.

Please send your application to the Secretariat of JRS2025 by E-mail (jrc2025[A]supportoffice[D]jp( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . )).

Please indicate clearly that you wish to be considered for the JRS fellowship when you submit the abstract. There will be a question says, “Are you going to apply for the JRS Fellowship?” on the abstract submission page. Please select your answer from pull-down menu.
The deadline for application for JRS fellowship is October 17, 2024.
The decision of the organizing committee will be final and no correspondence will be entertained. The fellowship recipients will be announced in January 2025.

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