


〒734-8551 広島市南区霞1-2-3


〒541-0042 大阪市中央区今橋4-4-7
TEL:06-6221-5933 FAX:06-6221-5938
E-mail:jca2020[あ]convention[ど]co[ど]jp([あ] を @ に,[ど] を . に変えてください。)




  1. AIとがん研究・医療との対話
  2. がん研究における女性研究者(WSCR)

International Sessions

  1. Infection and cancer: risk estimation and therapeutic targets
  2. Epigenetic therapeutic targets in cancer microenvironment
  3. Cancer immunogenomic analysis to understand immune therapy response
  4. Exosome‐based cancer diagnosis and therapeutics
  5. New functional nucleotide technology for cancer precision medicine
  6. New therapeutic strategy for controlling metastasis and relapse in cancer
  7. Role of redox‐active metals for the prevention and treatment of cancer in the era of precision medicine
  8. Strategy toward development of targeting therapy against cancer stem‐like cells
  9. Molecular basis of targeting oncogenic driver mutation positive cancer
  10. Research expansion in the field of patient-derived models of cancer
  11. Beyond CD19, now aim at solid cancers ?


  1. Prospects of cancer research and cancer therapy using genome editing technology
  2. Exploring the basis of cancer stem cells
  3. Metabolism in Cancer
  4. Microbiome, cancer, and immuno-oncology
  5. Single cell biology of cancer
  6. Molecular mechanisms of TKI and ICI resistance and novel therapeutic strategies to overcome the resistance
  7. The origin of epigenomic alterations: Application to prevention and diagnostics
  8. 4D Nucleome in cancer
  9. Evolvement of targeted drug therapy
  10. Elucidation of cancer etiology and prevention strategies based on mechanisms
  11. Hereditary cancer research - recent updates and future directions
  12. The true nature of cancer cells that can be revealed only by live imaging
  13. Aging and cancer


  1. 肝がん治療の基礎と臨床の進歩
  2. 乳がん微小環境の特性と全身性応答、新しい治療展開
  3. 肺がん:多面的な理解により克服をめざす
  4. 大腸がんの診断・治療と発がん研究における新しい知見
  5. 小児・AYA腫瘍の最近の進歩

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