On-demand streaming period is
December 1st - 20th, 2020.On-demand streaming period is
December 1st - 27th, 2020.
* To watch the on-demand streaming, please register.
The registration site is postponed opening until 11 December, 2020.
On-demand streaming period is
December 1st - 20th, 2020.
On-demand streaming period is
December 1st - 27th, 2020.
* To watch the on-demand streaming, please register.
The registration site is postponed opening until 11 December, 2020.
Department of Surgery, Fujita Health University
1-98 Dengakugakudo, Kutsukake-cho, Toyoake,
Aichi 470-1192, Japan
Japan Convention Services, Inc.
Keihanshin Yodoyabashi Bldg. 2F, 4-4-7 Imabashi,
Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-0042, Japan
Tel: +81-6-6221-5933 Fax: +81-6-6221-5939
E-mail: isucrs2020[A]convention[D]co[D]jp ( Please change [A] to @ and [D] to . )