ICAS Book Prize

The ICAS Book Prize 2021

The biennial ICAS Book Prize (IBP) was established by ICAS in 2003 to bring a focus to academic publications on Asia, to increase their worldwide visibility and to encourage a further interest in the world of Asian Studies. The IBP is awarded to outstanding publications in the field of Asian Studies. Organised every two years, together with the ICAS conference, the IBP has grown from a small experiment (50 books and 5 dissertations in 2005), to the leading Book Prize in the field of Asian Studies, with 600 books and 150 dissertations submitted for the 2019 edition.
Starting in 2017, so as to reflect ICAS’ decentralising approach, the IBP now also honours publications, in Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish (in addition to the original English edition). This year a new additional prize has been added to the group. Organised and sponsored by the Society for Hong Kong Studies (SHKS), the newest addition to the ICAS Book Prize family is the IBP for Best Article on Global Hong Kong Studies.

Join our online ICAS Book Prize ceremony at ICAS 12 on 24 August 2021!

For more information and an overview of the submissions, please visit the ICAS Book Prize page.

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