The Scientific Committee of APFSRM2020 cordially invites you to submit abstracts (for Panel Session and Free Paper Session) to share the most up-to-date research works and interesting cases from around the world. We are looking forward to your application.
* Only oral presentation (PC presentation) will be accepted.
* Regarding the adoption judgment, presentation time, and a presentation topic, please leave them to the discretion of the secretariat.
Abstract Submission Period
Abstract Submission has been closed. Thank you very much for your submissions.
How to Submit
All applicants are asked to submit abstracts only online.
Category of Subscription
Panel Session (Public Subscription/Assigned Author)
- Vascularized composite tissue allotransplantation
- Head and neck (jaws reconstruction)
- Head and neck (soft tissue reconstruction)
- Facial reanimation
- Breast reconstruction
- Hand and upper extremity
- Lower extremity
- Flap thinning
- Vascularized bone graft
- Lymphatic surgery
- Oncological reconstruction
- Nerve and brachial plexus
- Orthoplastic surgery
- New technology in microsurgery
- Imaging study in microsurgery
Free Paper Session
- Head and neck
- Facial reanimation
- Trunk and chest wall
- Breast reconstruction
- Hand and upper extremity
- Lower extremity
- Urogenital reconstruction
- Flaps
- Replantation
- Vascularized bone graft
- Lymphatic surgery
- Oncological reconstruction
- Nerve and brachial plexus
- Orthoplastic surgery
- Supermicrosurgery
- New technology in microsurgery
- Imaging study in microsurgery
- Basic Research
- Microsurgery training and education
- Others
Best Case/Best Save
- Best Case
- Best Save
The Word Limit for Abstracts:
Please write an abstract as written below.
Abstract Title: Limited to 100 characters in half-width character
Abstract Text: | Limited to 1600 characters in half-width character
* The submitter is NOT allowed to upload any tables, Roman numerals, or graphs, number enclosed within a circle, and Katakana Japanese in half-width. * Abstracts must use the following structured format: [Aims], [Methods], [Results], [Conclusions] |
The maximum number of authors allowed (lead author and co-authors): 12
The maximum number of organizational affiliations allowed: 6
Registration confirmation and modification
After completing your submission, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you may have entered a wrong email address or may have failed to complete your registration. If this happens please contact the Congress Secretariat.
Notification of Acceptance
Authors will receive confirmation of accepted abstracts including presentation time by the end of September 2021 after the program of the congress is decided. Regarding the adoption judgment, presentation time, and a presentation topic, please leave them to the discretion of the secretariat.
Abstract Withdrawal
If the presenting Author of an accepted abstract does not register by August 31, 2021, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program. If you decide to withdraw an abstract, please notify the Congress Organizers by August 31, 2021.
Congress Secretariat (Japan Convention Services, Inc.)
TEL: +81-92-712-6201 FAX: +81-92-712-6262
E-mail: 5apfsrm-48jsrm[A]convention[D]co[D]jp( Please chainge [A] to @ [D] to . )