Susumu Eguchi
Chairman, 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Acute Care Surgery
(Department of Surgery, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University)
I’m pleased to announce that the 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Acute Care Surgery will be held at Dejima Messe Nagasaki in the city of Nagasaki on Friday and Saturday, November 26 and 27, 2021. I’d like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for members’ kindness in making this event a reality.
The meeting’s main theme is “Creating the Best Possible Team: Becoming One Team.” Collaboration among multiple specialties and disciplines, including not only surgeons but also ER doctor, ICU doctor, anesthesiologists, nurses, MEs, CEs, pharmacists, and radiation technicians, is critical in creating mature ACS teams. To increase the percentage of lives saved under urgent circumstances, it is essential that these teams function in a smooth and active manner. Recently, laparoscopic surgery and a range of active medicinal agents have been making a significant contribution in the ACS arena. Our goal is to deliver the best possible ACS in every region by enabling all personnel to make the most of their skills as they work to save lives. To that end, we’re doing our best to ensure that this meeting will facilitate discussion as well as the sharing and exchanging of information to create cohesive, unified teams whose members work as well together as the ingredients in Nagasaki champon noodles.
Echoing that same theme of team-building, we’ve invited noted Nagasaki entrepreneur Akira Takata (president of A and Live Inc., and founder of Japanet Takata) to give the keynote address.
When we gather in late November, Dejima Messe Nagasaki, which will have just opened, will provide exceptional convenience since it’s directly connected to Nagasaki Station. I look forward to welcoming you, and I would encourage you to explore this vibrant community and its World Heritage sites.
Osamu Tasaki
Vice-chairman, 13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Acute Care Surgery
(Nagasaki University Hospital Acute & Critical Care Center)
It is my pleasure to serve as vice-chairman under the leadership of Chairman Eguchi, and I look forward to your support as I do so. Acute care surgery is a new field, but the importance of this type of care has long been recognized, and it is expected to grow and develop going forwards. I suspect only interested surgeons have engaged with the field on a personal level in the past, but I believe that it will be important to establish treatment structures for acute care surgery in the future, including from the perspective of realizing workstyle reforms. That said, the arrangements that best facilitate effective functioning vary with the institution that’s implementing them. Additionally, in order to deliver appropriate medical care in a short amount of time, it’s essential that treatment not rely on only a single department or physician, but rather draw on numerous departments and specialists that function together as a single team.
Since the founding of the Acute & Critical Care Center in 2010, we’ve worked to ensure that the entire facility functions in a focused and integrated manner by establishing structures to facilitate cooperation among all departments and divisions. The concept of “One Team” as put forth by Chairman Eguchi for this meeting perfectly captures the approach to which we aspire. It is my hope that the meeting will offer a venue at which numerous facilities can introduce their own best possible teams and join together in exploring how they can best move forward.