As of October 26, 2021
Memorial Lectures
Program Category
Memorial Lecture 1: Ⅰ-ML1
Memorial Lecture 2: Ⅱ-ML2
Memorial Lecture 3: Ⅲ-ML1
Tribute Session to Professor Tomisaku Kawasaki (supported by Japan Heart Foundation): Ⅰ-TS1
Legend Lecture (Supported by AHA): Ⅰ-LL Special Lecture: Ⅰ-SL
Late Breaking Session: Ⅱ-LB JSKD-APSC joint session: Symposium 6: Ⅱ-SY6
Parents Meeting:Tribute to Mr. Mitsuru Asai: Ⅲ-PM
Symposium 1: Ⅰ-SY1
Symposium 2: Ⅰ-SY2
Symposium 3: Ⅰ-SY3
Symposium 4: Ⅱ-SY4
Symposium 5: Ⅱ-SY5
Symposium 7 :Ⅱ-SY7
Symposium 8: Ⅲ-SY8
Symposium 9: Ⅲ-SY9
Symposium 10:Ⅲ-SY10
Symposium 11:Ⅲ-SY11
Moderated Poster (1): Ⅱ-MP1
Moderated Poster (2): Ⅲ-MP2
DP1: Epidemiology
DP2: Etiology/Genetics/Pathogenesis
DP3: Immunology
DP4: Diagnosis
DP5: Imaging
DP6: Acute Phase
DP7: Vascular Complications
DP8: Long Term Management
DP9: COVID-19 and KD
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